Our Services
MONTHLY BOOKKEEPINGAbout: We help plan and organize your financial information on a monthly basis to help you understand the financial position of your business. |
BANK RECONCILIATIONAbout: Let us help you match the cash balance on your balance sheet to the corresponding amount on the bank sheet. We can complete this at regular intervals to ensure the records are correct. |
PAYROLLAbout: We offer payroll solution's that meet your business’s needs and enable you to spend time doing what you do best - running your company.
BUDGETSAbout: Receive guidance and a financial plan that helps manage risk, improve performance, and ensure the growth and longevity of your wealth.
PERSONAL INCOME TAXAbout: We are experienced with the latest knowledge of current IRS and State regulations to ensure your taxes are prepared accurately and timely the first time. |
QUICKBOOKS TRAINING AND SETUPAbout: We can help set up Quickbooks so that it is running properly and can train you to properly operate QuickBooks specifically for yourself and your business. |
Contact Us Today For a Free Estimate!
Phone |
Office: 843.695.8045
Phone: 843.804.2338 Fax: 843.695.8040 |